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Play Video

Curious about How The Playlist works?

Thank you to Shayna Webb @webbchatts for this amazing video on your experience at The Playlist!
Stop by and check us out for yourself!

Our “Family Friendly” Policy

The content of our show contains popular songs from the last 40 years with a light display in time to the music with your dinner. Parents that allow their children to listen to Top-40 pop songs should have no objection.
*Please remember that popular songs are often written around ADULT THEMES and can contain EXPLICIT LANGUAGE.


Strobe lights, intense flashes and haze machines will be used during this show. It will not be safe for guests with epilepsy, highly sensitive to light, asthma, breathing issues, or heart conditions.


We do not recommend our shows to children under the age of 6. The flashing lights can be scary for young ones, and the music and lyrics may not be appropriate for their age. We have no high chairs.